ART DIRECTOR / HMUA / MODEL Pantea Kouhpayeh
The fashion editorial “Daad” is a convoluted layering of stories, revealing the contradictions inherent to the lives of the women of a whole nation. In this project I intend to narrate the story of a paradox implanted within the women of my country Iran, and give a voice to those whose calls have always been suffocated. Women who, according to the constitution, are in many and all ways considered to be simply lesser than men. Women who are forced to remain unseen and fully cover up, even if it is opposed to their beliefs, and women who have found dress and makeup as their weapons of objection.
By building a composition with many colours, bold red cheeks, and exaggerated makeup, “Daad” demonstrates how these women dress for their fight, ridding themselves of a forced veil, and replacing it with makeup which gives them the hope of finding light, to go to the streets, and to be seen.
“Daad” is a Farsi word meaning both “Scream” and “Justice”.“Daad” is my, and all women of my country’s scream for justice.