The Book by StyleCircle, Issue 01, is a seventy-page testament to the work of twenty-eight young creatives lead by CO-Editor-In-Chiefs Bronwyn Marshall and Millie Yates.

Editorial Team

Millie Yates, Kat Zawadzki, Alexandria Regis, Alicia Churilla, Jessica Huynh, Sarah Said, Isabelle Vogel, Mylene Li.

Art Team

Bronwyn Marshall, Luke Severin, Clara Purdy, Emmett Charuk, Holly D’Cunha, Nadia Ebrahim, Serena Mola, Natalie Mizzen.

Operations Team

Zoya Shaban, Clara Purdy, Aimerance Nsangu, Muna Gasim, Janelle Tyme, Emmi Ojansivu, Gabrielle Bouchinha, Hannah Dobbie, Joanna Lupker.

Publication Date



Bronwyn Marshall


The First Issue of The Book by StyleCircle

M: I am standing behind a giant set-piece and Bronwyn is on the other side of an incredibly complicated photography rig. I’m struck with the greatest sense of deja-vu; this shoot seems emblematic of a dream Bronwyn and I had almost exactly a year earlier. Our hope was to create a platform for students to both showcase their work and voice their concerns surrounding the fashion industry. What we as a team created has surpassed our vision and morphed into something much more powerful; a publication that supports its members, promotes collaboration and fosters a sense of unity in an industry that often seems cold. Fashion may be always changing, but with an annual issue we hoped to capture its timelessness in print. This talented group of contributors both humble and inspire me. As I sit perched behind a set piece, I’m filled with the deepest sense of appreciation.

B: Getting involved at Ryerson in my first year was one the best decisions I have made. This engagement has allowed me the opportunity to meet and work closely with incredibly talented students from many different programs with diverse skills and interests. When Millie and I started dreaming about creating a fashion publication we knew it would not be easy, however with endless support from our team and our friends at the Ryerson Communication and Design Society this dream has become a reality. The dedication and work ethic demonstrated by our team has been astound ing particularly since most members are taking a full course in challenging programs. Words cannot express how grateful we are for everyone that has helped us out along the way. School to us is all about meeting people and being able to take the skills that we are learning in the classroom and apply them to a real life setting. The Book by StyleCircle has allowed us to do this and so much more. This industry is not one dimensional and being involved with an interdisciplinary team has allowed our group of students to be exposed to all parts of the industry, has allowed us to develop new friendships and a network of passionate future professionals that we will no doubt be reaching out to in the future.

M&B: We began as a team of five students, working away on the weekends in our school’s library. Over the course of four months, we gained sixteen new members, rebooted our website and began planning for what would be the busiest year of our lives. If anything, this opportunity has opened our eyes to the drive behind every publication. Every member is crucial the magazine’s success, and without a deep commitment from every member, the publication could not exist. United by a common interest in fashion and a passion for photography, writing and illustration, our team has worked tirelessly as a unit for the last eight months. What we bring to you today is a compilation of all that provokes and inspires us. If our publication has made you think twice about the fashion industry (even if only for a moment), our year of work will have been well worth it.

Sincerely, Bronwyn Marshall, Millie Yates

