This Issue aims to reflect the continuous growth we undergo as individuals, and spotlight young, up-and-coming creatives and their creative process.


Letter from the Editor

Dear The Book 09 Reader,

After weeks of delay, I find myself finally penning down

this letter, a task I had postponed while immersing myself

in ‘perfecting’ the rest of the publication. If you’re a fellow

creative, you can likely relate to this internal struggle.

I’ve grown up daydreaming about the day I would have the

opportunity to write one. Now that the moment has arrived,

I’m hesitant, fearing that I might somehow ‘mess it up.’

Throughout the entire journey of creating The Book 09, I

found myself connecting every mishap, mistake, and delay

to the overarching theme. This year, our hope is that this

compilation of work by various creatives, much like yourself,

will inspire you to relish in the joy and pride of your processes,

your individuality, and your role both to yourself and your

community. When do we ever stop being a Work in Progress?

What work are we avoiding in bettering ourselves and our craft? 

Isn’t the constant discovery and development of oneself

the very essence of humanity? How do we navigate the mosaic

nature of the roles we occupy as individuals and how do we

relish each one as opportunities?

Our desire is that you locate a piece of yourself within The

Book 09, delving deep into the topics discussed, appreciating

the artists involved, and reflecting that appreciation back

onto yourself.


Tomi Segun-Adebowale

P.S. We genuinely hope you adore the stickers designed by

artists in our community <3