Four Ways to Impress Your Love This Valentine’s Day

Picture this: you see your love walk by, and you absolve yourself to professing your love (whether for the first time, or not) and asking them out. What’s next? Pick a date for your date! How about… Valentine’s Day? It is  Singles-Awareness Day  Flying Mythical Naked Baby Day the day of love, after all; good on you for being thematic! 😉 This day is the perfect excuse to whip out some cringe-worthy (yet adorably redeeming) love-themed puns and scribble them into some store-bought Hello Kitty valentines in pink sparkle gel pens, adorned with stickers galore, right? Well, unless you want to relive the kind of Valentine’s Day we celebrated in elementary school, here are some ideas for more adult-appropriate gestures!

Breakfast of Champions

Start the day off right by making breakfast (bonus points if you serve it in bed) – with everything heart-shaped! Cinnamon rolls (for the sweet and sassy S.O. in your life), boiled eggs (pack a protein punch for the gym nut), pancakes (a sure bet with the classic crush-next-door), oh my! The amount of foods that can be heart-shaped is infinite, people! For an added cute (and corny) touch, fill a bowl with fruit you have to peel, and enscribe them with des petits mots d’amour (observe: bananas can be romantic).

Flower Power

If you think your S.O. would curl their lip at a bouquet of traditional red roses, then make sure you show up to your date with some unique florals! Our faves are The Val from Tonic Blooms, the Ranunculus and Freesia Bouquet from eco|stems, and this heart-shaped garland from sweet Woodruff! Pro Tip: all the aforementioned florists are located in lovely old T.O.!

Heart Felt Cards Not Like Your Kindergarten Days

Show them how you really feel with these sweet and sour cards (and hope they read the small print before this Valentine’s Day turns into a Murphy’s Law-type rom-com). Get them at YesUMaystationary’s Etsy shop here!

Life is Like a Box of Chocolates, Especially If You Give Them

Forgo the typical heart-shaped box of plain milk chocolates for some quirky treats like the Planet Chocola set from L’eclat, the Dark Chocolate Hot Cocoa Canister from Godiva, and these Chocolate Tools from Firebox! The solar system looks almost too magical to eat (almost, as in, we’re still going to eat them), the hot cocoa is perfect for cuddling on the couch, and you better make sure your S.O. doesn’t mix up their real wrenches with these chocolates and take a big bite before they realize the mix-up (love is dangerous, after all).

Whether you’re just falling in love or have been smitten for a while, StyleCircle wishes you luck on your V-Day date! And hopefully your loved one appreciates the effort you put into their gift, because it really is the thought that counts. Cheers to romance on this most love-filled of days, and cheers to waaay too many heart-covered sweaters and skirts spotted on Valentine’s Day 😉